Thursday, February 5, 2009


Three days ago I turned 22. One of my good friends told me it was her favorite year ever and said that a lot of her other friends felt that way. "It's the year you grow up," she said. I'm looking forward to it and taking every opportunity I can. I had a good birthday. Nothing too exciting. I don't like drinking too much so I didn't even do that. But my friend and I went to the park to take pictures and smoke. It got dark really quick.

Sorry I haven't updated lately. I haven't been doing too much. I did, however, start doing arts and crafts again. Maybe I'll update tonight with some pictures of some of the stuff I made. I think once I make a little more, I'm gonna start selling them on Etsy. I just dyed my hair too. Darker. Maybe I'll post a picture of that too. Hope you're all doing well! Happy winter.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I need to grow up. I need to stop doing stupid useless things for my own pleasure. I need to suck it up and do what I'm supposed to do. It won't make me happy. I'm not living how I want and there's no immediate solution. I'm gonna go write. Good-bye.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I really, really, really want to see this movie, Coraline. I wish it came out a couple days earlier so I could see it on my birthday. Everything in it is hand-made. It's by some of the same people who did Nightmare Before Christmas. I cannot wait for this movie. Check it out.

Snow Day.

That's my kitty Roxas, enjoying the back deck. He's looks like a bobcat to me. He's a fierce looking cat.

It snowed at least 5-6 inches last night. I wanted to build an igloo today, but the snow isn't good snow for building at all. I'm very disappointed. I was actually gonna go play for once. I have a lot of things that need to get done, but I'm not feeling very motivated to do anything other than sit in my bed and read. A lot of schools got canceled, not ours, so my boyfriend had to go to class. I guess I should do the good housewife thing and get dressed and presentable looking for the day (although I find this practice really hard when you know you're not going to leave the house). Then maybe some cleaning and cook him lunch for when he comes home. Being a housewife would be more fun if I had a kid to play with. Or if I was actually married. Blah. God, I need a job.

Speaking of babies, a friend of mine from high school just had a baby. I was looking at the pictures this morning and it almost made me cry. It was just so cute and she looked so happy (and tired. Haha.) I keep thinking that we're all too young to have children. Plenty of parents had kids when they were 21-22ish. I just think that's still too young nowadays. Maybe I'm retarded.

If you have snow, enjoy it. If you don't, be thankful.
I'll update again later.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A bit of my weekend. (In pictures!)

My boyfriend and I were picking up some money to make some purchases for the afternoon when we ran into our friends near the 7-11. (My main store in life, just a cigarette's walk away.) They were going to Maumee Bay State Park to film some stuff. So we told them to wait, smoked at our house and then we were on our way! Maumee Bay State Park isn't that far away, but of course we got lost and ended up driving all the way to Port Clinton with the intention of riding the ferry to Put-In-Bay, but it was iced in so we stayed on the mainland. We didn't leave the car much except to take a few pictures. It being January, you could imagine just how exciting the landscape was:

It was extremely cold and windy. On the way back we found Maumee Bay State Park, after many hours of driving:

Yet, was a pretty exciting trip. We came home and then later on played some sort of drinking version of Trivial Pursuit at a friends house.

Yesterday, Ryan had to work all day. Being unemployed and broke
(I did have a job interview on Friday, though!), I have to find activities to keep myself occupied. (Besides cleaning, and I clean the whole house on a daily basis.) So I did what anyone would do, I broke out the crafts. I have no patience nor the motivation to paint real things because that would take too I made doodle-like things. Here are my experiments with watercolors:

Later on my roommate and her friend came over to get ready for a White Trash Party. Since I was feeling artsy, I gave them some pretty nice tattoos, complete with a tramp stamp (that says, "Black Hole Sun," I don't know why, she requested it, Haha.) Here are their outfits and the tattoo's I made:

Later on we went to Bowling Green to hang out with some friends. Yes, exciting weekend, I know, but activities are limited when it's so cold. And I'm broke. Haha.

Hope you all had a good weekend!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Polyphonic Spree

Who are they?

According to Wikipedia, "The Polyphonic Spree is a self-described "choral symphonic rock" group from the Dallas, Texas area. The band generally consists of a 10-person choir, a pair of keyboardists, as well as a percussionist, drummer, bassist, guitarist, flautist, trumpeter, trombonist, violinist/violist, harpist, French horn player, a pedal steel player, theremin player, and an electronic effects person. Individual members and the number of musicians vary because of the flexibility necessary in travelling with such a large band. Tim DeLaughter is musical director and contributes lead vocals, as well as keyboards, guitar, and percussion."

What I found interesting...
was that three of the original members helped collaborate with Grandaddy, (one of my favorite bands) which lead to the eventual creation of The Polyphonic Spree.

You may have seen them:
Well, if you're a Scrubs fan like me, you may seen the episode of Scrubs where The Polyphonic Spree made a guest appearance.

Why I like them:
  • They remind me of the happy seventies experimental rock bands. And I always wished I was alive then to fully appreciate it.
  • They wear robes. It seems like great fun and would make me want to dance barefoot all the time.
  • Their music makes me happy.
  • I love bands that incorporate a lot of different instruments. (Take Anathallo for example.)
  • I have a secret fantasy about my wedding: it will be a two day festival in the middle of no where with lots of music, food, and dancing. I imagine it with everyone wearing Polyphonic Spree type robes, and camping all weekend. Ideally, I want Polyphonic Spree to play. I heard from a friend of mine that one of the members is able to marry people. I'll have to check into that. And probably ask them. Attempt to convince them to play at my wedding would be a good idea. The other half of the idea: every year on my anniversary have another festival. Complete with more camping, fire, lots of music, and nature.
Thought I'd share this: it's a fan video of The Polyphonic Spree song, "Hold Me Now." It's not the official video but I really, really liked it.

Clean World Movement

Today I was browsing the internet for some sort of volunteer opportunity so I could fill my time with something useful for someone other than me and I came across The Clean World Movement. It's a project put on by Planting Peace to help clean up the world.

They're looking for people to become Environmental Directors, someone to lead a clean up campaign in this community. Their goal is to have an Environmental Director organize a clean up campaign in every zip code. Click here to learn more about becoming a environmental director for your zip code. There are 43,000 zip codes in the US. Imagine having a clean up campaign and volunteers in every single community cleaning on a regular basis.

I thought I'd share the project with others. It's worth a look and definately a good cause. Let me know if you find any groups in your area.

"Just as we cannot blame others for destroying the environment, so we cannot look to others to protect the environment. Responsibility for both begins at home." Paul Griss